libblokkal Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:Blokkal::Account | This class provides the interface for a bloggging account |
Blokkal::AccountConfig | Class for accessing the configuration of an account |
Blokkal::AccountManager | Global account manager class |
Blokkal::ActionTargetRelay | Singleton that stores the targets of Account and Blog context menus |
Blokkal::Blog | An abstraction of a blog |
Blokkal::BlogCategoryModel | BlogModel that incorporates the categories of a blog |
Blokkal::BlogConfig | Class for accessing the configuration of a blog |
Blokkal::BlogModel | Wraps the account/blog structure for a view |
Blokkal::ConfigBase | Encapsulates a XML configuration element |
Blokkal::Entry | This class is a base for all protocol implementations of a blog entry |
Blokkal::FileEngine | Provides access to icon data of various objects |
Blokkal::FileEngineHandler | Factory class for FileEngine |
Blokkal::ImageFetcher | A utility class to fetch images via HTTP |
Blokkal::Io::BlogBrowsingDriver | Abstract base class for all BlogBrowsingDriver used in Blokkal |
Blokkal::Io::BlogJob | Base class for jobs that operate on blogs |
Blokkal::Io::Category | Representation of a category |
Blokkal::Io::CategoryManager | Manages categories |
Blokkal::Io::EntryJob | Base class for jobs that operate on entries |
Blokkal::Io::Job | Base class for all jobs used in Blokkal |
Blokkal::Io::LoadEntryJob | Abstract base class for jobs that load entries |
Blokkal::Io::LoadIndexJob | Abstract base class for jobs that load a blog index |
Blokkal::Io::XmlRpcJob | This class implements an XML-RPC call |
Blokkal::PasswordDeleter | A small helper class to remove the passwort of an account from the wallet |
Blokkal::PasswordedAccount | This class provides the password handling for an account |
Blokkal::Plugin | Base class for blokkal plugins |
Blokkal::PluginManager | Global plugin manager class |
Blokkal::PostEntryQueue | Handles posting of entries |
Blokkal::PostEntryStatus | This class describes the status of an entry manager by Blokkal::PostEntryQueue |
Blokkal::Protocol | Base class for protocol plugins |
Blokkal::TreeModel | Wraps the tree like structures for a view |
Blokkal::TreeModel::TreeItemNode | |
Blokkal::Ui::BlogChooser | A widget for selecting a blog |
Blokkal::Ui::BlogChooserDialog | A dialog, that displays a BlogChooser |
Blokkal::Ui::BlogView | A TreeView that works with a BlogDelegate |
Blokkal::Ui::BrowseEntryDialog | Base class for dalogs used to browse old entries |
Blokkal::Ui::BrowseEntryViewFactory | Base class for plugins that provide views to browse entries |
Blokkal::Ui::BrowseOptionWidget | Base class for custom browse options |
Blokkal::Ui::CategoryModel | |
Blokkal::Ui::CategoryView | Widget for displaying and selecting categories |
Blokkal::Ui::CheckBoxDelegate | |
Blokkal::Ui::CheckBoxView | |
Blokkal::Ui::DropProxy | Abstract base class for drop proxys |
Blokkal::Ui::EditAccountWidget | Base Class for widgets to edit account properties |
Blokkal::Ui::EditEntryViewFactory | This class is the base for all plugins providing a view for editing entries |
Blokkal::Ui::EditEntryWidget | Widgets used to edit entries |
Blokkal::Ui::EntryExtensionWidget | Base class for extensions to the EditEntryWidget |
Blokkal::Ui::FormattingBackend | Entry point for custom formating options |
Blokkal::Ui::GenericEditAccountWidget | A widget to edit generic account properties |
Blokkal::Ui::GlobalSettings | Stores global settings for the Blokkal and Blokkal::Ui namespaces |
Blokkal::Ui::HtmlEntryTextEdit | Edits entry texts as HTML |
Blokkal::Ui::HtmlTextHighlighter | A simple HTML highlighter |
Blokkal::Ui::MainWindowView | Base class for views that want to display a main window |
Blokkal::Ui::MediaInfoComboBox | Presents current media player information |
Blokkal::Ui::ProviderComboBox | KComboBox for selection of provider setups |
Blokkal::Ui::ProviderInformation | Encapsulates provider information |
Blokkal::Ui::SecondaryWindow | Base class for mainwindows that do not quit the application |
Blokkal::Ui::SemiEditableComboBox | A combo box that is editable if the item with index 0 is selected and not editable otherwise |
Blokkal::Ui::StdAction | Provides standard actions |
Blokkal::Ui::View | This class is the base for all views |
Blokkal::WalletManager | Wallet management class |
Blokkal::WalletManagerSignal | This class is used be Blokkal::WalletManager |